movie viva a vida é uma festa by ana laura camara

 Disney Pixar's animation is a comforting story that shows us that life can be lived even with the pain of leaving. It reminded me a lot of my grandfather, I lost him a little while ago, it's an animated film that makes us very emotional, especially with the songs and plot of the film. In my opinion, it's the best Disney movie. I'm going to make a brief summary of the story and I hope you like the movie as much as I do.

The adventure takes place in the city of Santa Cecília and has as its main character little Miguel, a 12-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a musician, but his family, due to traumas related to the past involving his great-great-grandfather, prevent him from continuing with his your vocation. Family being family! lol 

In this, the boy faces them and puts himself in a predicament, ending up in the land of the dead in the middle of Día de los Muertos, a Mexican celebration that honors the deceased on November 2nd.

There (in the land of the dead), Miguel finds his departed loved ones and becomes the living boy among the colored skulls. With that, he needs to return to the land of the living before sunset so that he doesn't permanently turn into a skull and stay forever in the land of the dead, or, in other words, prevent him from dying!

In an attempt to return to the world of the living, Miguel finds Héctor, a skeleton that is about to be forgotten, and as a bargain to help the boy, he asks the little one to put his photo on the altar of offerings, so that he can stay alive in the land of the dead. Did the phrase sound strange? Well, according to the plot of the feature, a dead person can die again if he is forgotten by the living, so... let's remember those who are already gone.

Viva's director, Lee Unkrich, was happy to treat death with lots of color and lots of music, as he ended up leaving the theme light, demonstrating acceptance of the end of cycles in a welcoming way, showing that there is also another side to be lived, and more, that deserves to be lived.

The film, because it contains many musical elements, made the team of musicians from Disney Pixar hit the song “Lembre de Mim” to talk about nostalgia.

And this is what “Viva – a vida é uma festa” talks about, about learning to reframe the meaning of pain and transforming it into flowers that become the paths of our lives, like the bridge that connects the worlds of the living and the dead in the movie.

ana laura barbosa camara, student S7.


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