lost by ana laura camara

 The passengers of Flight 815 did not imagine that their lives were mapped out when they entered the plane that was about to crash, changing everyone's destiny, but wouldn't it be destiny then, to be together and fight for survival? The series closely follows the struggle of the 48 passengers amid hunger, thirst, disease and the willpower to live. Relationships occasionally occur and mysterious events set the tone for the series, such as the dust monster, the polar bear on a tropical island, the island's inhabitants called The Others, the comings and goings of the island and its endless unanswered questions.

The passengers' lives before the accident appear in the form of a flashback, suggesting conflicts that would probably link them even before the accident, as well as the future vision of their possible death. Mixing drama and science fiction, the series gained popularity becoming American pop culture, winning several awards, including best series.

Its beginning took place in 2004 and its last season was shown in 2010. The series ended without closing some cycles, with few survivors of the first season who will now have to choose their side in the final battle between Jacob and his evil brother, the Kate's decision between Jack and Sawyer, the series' love triangle.

The last episode takes place in two parallel dimensions, but which one is true? In the end, we have Jack's meeting with his late father and everyone's meeting in a mysterious church, then the truth comes out: everyone died shortly after the accident and the island was nothing more than a way to reunite them, making them have to work their memory to remember these events, only then could they rest in peace. The island is a kind of purgatory, similar to the theory of the drawing The Cave of the Dragon, having characters with two faces, like Jacob, who can be the light of the island or the black smoke.

It was necessary for everyone to understand over time, so that the fact of being dead was accepted, because the apparent willpower to live was what left them trapped in this limbo, this reality of half-life, this explains things nonsense that occurred on the island and why it was necessary to return to it, and even the characters who apparently managed to leave the island, died off it.

The series seeks to explain the relationship between space, place and coexistence of people who have to work on their redemption and self-forgiveness.

ana laura barbosa camara, student of S7.


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